Monday, April 26, 2010

Cut Down the Clutter

How many times do you read through a magazine and see 2 or 3 pages you'd like to save, so you just put the entire magazine in the rack and it stays there forever until you can't even remember which page you liked. Or if your like me, you folded the top corner, but when you look at the page again you have no idea what it was that stood out in the first place. If you're also like me in that you get your favorite mag every month, you know what kind of back log this can create. So, here's my solution. I'll confess here that you could probably condense this into one step, but I like to prolong the enjoyment of the magazines as long as possible.

I lead a simple life here, people.

Anyway, as I read through the first time, I just dog-ear left and right as I see things that interest me. Then the next time or two I read through it, I think about whether or not I'll actually need the info on that page at a later date or not. If I do, I make a note, circle something, draw an arrow, whatever. I keep the whole thing around just in case I want to glance at it later, but when the new one comes, BEFORE I read it, I go through the old one and tear out the pages on which I'd made my notes. Now you can tuck the pages in a cute little accordion folder like this one I got at an office supply store...

Or you could use a binder and page protectors. Or just a paper clip and stick them in a pretty box or tin. You can go crazy organizing them by room/project/date (Yes, I've done this.) or not. At least now you have only the newest copy of your magazine(s) sitting out, but still have the stuff you wanted from the older ones close at hand and (somewhat) organized (looking).

So tell me. What magazine are you fond of right now?

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