Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tip 'o the Day.

Well, it's been a couple of days since my last post, and I don't want to leave you hangin'. However, I've been taking some time to have fun decorating Easter eggs and such with my sweet girls, so I'm kinda off the ball. Plus I know I blew your mind with the Pizza Crust post, so I thought I'd give you a rest. Today's tip is just RELAX! Take a break. Take a load off. Don't forget to take time for the things that are really important in life. I know alot of times I get discouraged when I look around the house at the end of the day, and I STILL see laundry that needs folding, dishes that need washing, and tons of other stuff that needs to be done. Quite often, I feel almost guilty, like I'm not fulfilling my "wifely duties". But on days like today, I realize that those are just lies from the evil one trying to bring me down. He's always stalking around trying to convince me that everyone else seems to have it all together, so why can't I? Everyone else can probably see how terrible I am at all this! As of today, I'm saying to myself "I'm a great Mom/wife, and I'm not gonna take it anymore! Sure the laundry has to get done, but if I make a list of the things that really matter, laundry is going to be WAY down at the bottom. If I spend my whole life worrying about the things at the bottom of the list, I'm going to miss out on all the blessings in my life. So, my tip of the day is make a list of what's REALLY important to you, and make sure you make time for THAT every day. I guarantee you'll feel better about life, and when you're happy with life, everything seems easier. Go ahead. Try it.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that! Although, this post did just remind me that I HAVE to do laundry tonight because I am totally out of clothes. :)


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