Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well, I feel like I should give a shout out to my sweet friend Robin. She so wisely suggested ice cube trays as a great tool for freezing things. I've never actually used this method myself, so it just kinda slipped my mind. That happens alot...

Anyway, ice cube trays can be really great for freezing stuff because you can freeze it in smaller "portions" and then only use what you need without having to thaw the whole thing out. For example you could make a garlic or herbed butter and freeze it. Next time you cook a steak, grab a "cube" for each one and put it right on top when the meat is good and hot. Or freeze your homemade pasta sauce in cubes and then pull out just enough for the pasta you're preparing.

I really am going to have to try this! Of course, first I'll need some ice cube trays...

Tomorrow, I'm making homemade pizza crust, so after I finish documenting the process, I'll be sure and tell you all about it. Trust me, it's easier than you think!

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