Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daily Tip #1

My first tip of the day? Every night, before I go to bed, I try to think, "Is there a load of laundry or dishes I could start?" Every now and then there's not, but living with to kiddos and a cowboy for a husband, there is pretty much always something dirty around here. Starting it while I'm sleeping means things are getting done, and I don't' even have to think about it! I love when that happens! This saves me alot of time, because I'm not waiting on loads to get done so I can fold.

See, I told you this stuff was going to be easy!

Do you have a tip to share? I'd love to hear it. I might even post it for everyone to see!


  1. To make my life easier, I use Oscar Mayer's Real Bacon Pieces for Recipes. I hate making bacon because it makes the whole house smell, but I love bacon. I've used these with green beans, PW's macaroni and cheese, an Italian bean dish, and eggs. They are great and way better than bacon bits, in my opinion, since they are actual pieces of bacon.

  2. But them you wake up with work to do!

    Oh wait...that happens anyway!


Got something to share? I'd love to hear it!